Silvio Documentation Status

silvio is an environment to combine microbiological models to simulate virtual cells.


  • Simulate different components of a biological host using event-driven messaging.
  • Produce data on procedures performed on the host at the given state.

Writing a Module

Prefer the use of [standardized code style](

Make use of [python type hints]( whenever possible. When specifying types for variables and methods, your IDE will help you with organizing the inputs, outputs and arguments that you may use.


# Initial definition of a variable to store a probability some_probability: float = 0

some_probability = 0.4 # Will work. The variable may receive fractional numbers. some_probability = 0 # Will work. Integers are also numbers.

some_probability = “a lot” # Error! The IDE will notify us about this bad assignment. some_probability = “0.3” # Error! This is still a string. No more conversion problems.

some_probability = -1.4 # Unfortunately this still works. Typing only defines simple types. ```

When writing classes, keep all properties (variables inside a class) at the top of the class definition, outside of the constructor. The constructor should only perform the initial assignment.

```python class BayesianNetworkNode :

“”” Each class should document what it does. Ideally, it should have a single purpose. “””

# Probability that this node is true. true_prob: float

# Probability that the node is false. Should be inverse of true probability. false_prob: float

def __init__ ( self, true_prob: float ) :

# Notice that constructor arguments may have the same name as properties. self.true_prob = true_prob

# The constructor only uses necessary arguments to initialize all properties. self.false_prob = 1 - true_prob


How to name things is a very debated topic in many languages. When in doubt, follow the conventions that have been laid by the [python standard]( Some common examples are.

```python # Use lower_case with underscores. Prefer distinct names to single letters. num_strands = 2

# Constants are values embedded into the code. Use UPPER_CASE with underscores. GOLDEN_RATIO = 1.6180

# Module names use lower_case and avoids underscore when possible. import biolabsim.sequencing.evaluation

# Custom types use PascalCase. from typing import Tuple, Literal GeneBase = Literal[‘A’,’T’,’C’,’G’]

# Functions use lower_case and typically start with a verb. def complement_base ( base:GeneBase ) -> GeneBase : # (input) -> output

# Include most initilization on top of the method. orig_bases: List[GeneBase] = [‘A’,’T’,’C’,’G’] # Common words may be shortened. orig = original comp_bases: List[GeneBase] = [‘T’,’A’,’G’,’C’] # But spell it out in comments. comp = complementary

# Split your code into blocks of related operations. Provide a small summary of each block. # Comments should help outsiders to skim through the code and to explain programming decisions. found_orig_index = orig_bases.index(base) # Avoid one-liners. Variable names provide context. return comp_bases[found_orig_index]

# Use simple types to construct more complex ones. Codon = Tuple[ GeneBase, GeneBase, GeneBase ]

# Classes use PascalCase as well. class AminoAcid :

# Class properties use lower_case as well. gene_triplet : Codon

# Constructors initialize the properties. def __init__ ( self, base1:GeneBase, base2:GeneBase, base3:GeneBase ) :

self.gene_triplet = ( base1, base2, base3 )

# Leave enough space between method definitions. def complement_triplet (self) -> Codon :

return ( # Use multiple lines and more spacing if the
complement_base( self.gene_triplet[0] ), # code becomes too bulky. complement_base( self.gene_triplet[1] ), complement_base( self.gene_triplet[2] ),


``` Generate Sphinx documentation. ——-

Sphinx is not very automatic on how documentation is extracted from the code. We use [sphinx-apidoc]( to periodically generate the documentation .rst files.


# Assuming you start at the project root directory.

# Enter the documentation directory. cd docs

# Remove the old API documentation. rm -ri ./api

# Generate the new reStructuredText files for the API documentation. sphinx-apidoc –module-first -d 4 -o api ../biolabsim

# Generate the HTML from all documentation files. make html

``` Credits ——-

Extensive credits can be found in the author notes.